Multichain Staking Protocol empowering Local Stable Coins and P2P


Multi chain P2P exchange platform, no wrapped tokens lowest gas fees & high transaction speed for your trade!


Re-Stake: Make your Tokens Earn!

Introducing multi-chain re-staking on ChaiDEX! Effortlessly re-stake any token across any chain with just a click and earn more than the standard APY on your assets.

The initial APY applies to the staked token, while additional re-stake benefits come from ChaiDEXs Treasury pool.

Trade with Quick Swap & P2P

Traders can now swiftly exchange tokens in real-time across various networks, both inter and intra-chains, all through a unified platform without relying on bridging solutions or intermediaries. Now, effortlessly swap SOL-ETH and BTC-ETH pairs.

Peer-to-peer (P2P) trading allows users to set and place prices for their tokens to buy or sell according to their needs, providing immediate liquidity for their assets. It ensures secure and verifiable transactions, enhancing user profits and fostering a community-driven trading environment.

Local Stable Coins

ChaiDEX plans to launch local stables in five regions—India , Nigeria, Oman, Philippines, and Vietnam—to foster community engagement to enhance trading volume.

This initiative will uphold a 1:1 ratio.

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